Let’s talk about…

I have spent much of my time today down the A38 in Liskeard, attending the Presbyteral Session of District Synod. It was, as is the nature of these things, a mixed-bag of experiences, including some boredom and annoyance but overall I’d say it was worth being at. Having come home for a couple of hours, including time for the dog and dinner, I then headed out again, back to Liskeard for another meeting. This meeting was different. This meeting was part of an on-going process the Methodist Church is currently engaging in around marriage and relationships. Continue reading

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Rising from the Ashes

So, here I am, sat at my desk, ash cross on my forehead, non-alcohol beer to hand, writing a blog post for the first time in more than 10 months. And if you ignore posts written as sermons then far longer than that! I’ve just preached and presided at an Ash Wednesday Communion with the Imposition of Ashes. One of the things I mentioned in my sermon was that (and this is not original to me, I nicked it from the leader of a retreat last week, and they possibly nicked it from elsewhere) Lent is, at least in part, preparing ourselves to rise again. Lent isn’t about death, about self-punishment and killing ourselves, it’s about life. All that stuff we do about giving up stuff and taking on new things, that’s all great, if we do it from a position of “What it is it that will enable me, and us, to live, to rise again?” rather than from a position of “What shall I give up this year so I’ve given something up?” or “What’ll be really hard for me to give up so I really feel deprived?” For sure, we have to be in touch with our mortality (“Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return”) but we don’t do so as some threat hanging over us. Instead we do so because the reality is that without knowing our mortality we cannot truly grapple with and grasp hold of the Gospel hope of life in all its fullness (“Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ”).

And what’s all that got to do with this sitting at the computer lark? Continue reading

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We are what we eat

Loving Father, pour out your Spirit upon us, your people, the Body of Christ, that as we break open your word to us in scripture may we hear your Living Word speaking to us, that we might be transformed by his grace to a truer likeness of him. Amen.

While preparing this sermon
I had the image of two people
in my mind.

The first
was my tutor
for the class
on sacraments
at Cambridge.

The second
was a steward
at the church
where I joined the Methodist Church,
trained as a Local Preacher,
and from which I candidated for ordination.

Why the first? Continue reading

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Outro: Last Words

On this past Sunday evening I  led a worship service at one of my chapels, based around the Last Words of Jesus. It used modern, secular music to help the congregation to reflect on the words of scripture that recount the seven last phrases of Jesus Christ upon the cross. The Order of Service was as follows:


a Service of Words & Music
Reflecting on the Seven Last Words
of Jesus

Opening Prayer

Luke 23:32-34a

“Pretty amazing grace”: Neil Diamond

Luke 23:39-43

“Viva la vida”: Coldplay

John 19:25b-27a Continue reading

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Words and the Word

Creating and sustaining God, as we meditate upon your word to us in scripture may your Living Word once again dwell in us that we might shine as your light in the world. Amen.

“It’s only words,
and words are all I have,
to take your heart away.”

Thus are the words
by one of my Mum’s favourite bands
from her youth:
the Bee Gees,
in the song appropriately
and simply

We in the Church,
by which I mean
the whole Church,
regardless of denomination,
are keen on words.
Whether it’s sermons,
or newsletter articles,
or reports
on matters
or theological,
we love words.

I don’t know about you
but I seem,
in my job,
to spend much time
for the right

Yet Christmas
reminds us Continue reading

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Serve thee as thy hosts above

Over at his blog, Lost in Wonder, Love and Praise, my ministerial colleague, fellow ecumenical meanderer, and good friend, Jarel, is hosting a series of interviews exploring vocation – for now focusing on vocation as an ordained minister or religious (monk/friar or nun). I considered it a privilege to be interviewed by him. It’s even more of a privilege to discover I’m No. 1 in the published interviews! When I was interviewed I asked whether I could publish the result here too, with the agreement I’d not publish before he had, and that I’d post links to the other interviews as and when they’re posted. So, as promised, having been interviewed on 1st October 2014, here’s the interview, and links to the others will follow. Oh, and please do check out his blog generally as well, his thoughts are worth reading!

Where are you and what is immediately around you as you write this…?

I’m in my study, and what’s around me is a mess, as per usual! I try and justify it as creative chaos out of which will be created wonders of life but in reality it’s just a mess. It gets tidied on occasion but then rapidly becomes a mess again – that’s simply the way I am. Within the mess is the detritus of everyday Circuit life, at least 2 coffee cups (one a mug, the other an espresso cup), a mass of technology and technological paraphernalia, incense, candles, vestments, and books galore – predominantly liturgy books, both liturgical resources and books about liturgy.

 So, Tom, can you tell me a bit about who you are and how you came to be doing what you do?

As my blog says: “My name is Tom Osborne, and while I’ve lived in many places, and don’t live there now, I call the Mendip Hills of Somerset home. [Hence my pseudonym of Mendip Nomad]. I’m also a Presbyter (often called a Minister) in the Methodist Church.” How did I come to be here, ministering as an ordained Presbyter in Cornwall?  A long story, the beginning of which I place on Iona in the wake of my first marriage’s breakdown, which then journeys through being re-involved in Anglican church life in Liverpool, then Methodism in London (where I first met you), to academic study in Cambridge (where we met again), and then Circuit life in Cornwall. It also includes the healing found in community, an experience that can only be described as hearing the voice of God (despite my discomfort with such descriptions), the challenge of living as an embodiment of ecumenism, and an ongoing battle with the Black Dog that is depression! Oh, and as well as a Circuit Minister I’m also a student of liturgy and patterns of worship, currently undertaking an MA in Christian Liturgy, and involved in liturgical development at a Connexional level as well.

 Who or what are your main influences in life?

You mean apart from God? Family, friends, music and movies! Ok, so that sounds a little trite, but in so many ways it’s the concentration of truth. I don’t think I’d be the person I am without the influence of family, including my dad’s own life as a Parish Priest, my mum’s constant love and care at times when my relationship with my dad was strained (it’s not now), the joys and challenges of growing up with a sister in so many ways different to me and in other ways so similar, the unbelievable commitment to this strange journey that my wife has made despite its challenges, and I honestly believe I might not even be alive today were it not for the angelic yet unintentional intervention of my (step)daughter. I’ve also found immense inspiration in the broad range of friends, of faith and not, of varying denominations and none, who have supported, escorted, dragged, challenged, and cajoled me to get to this point – in particular the close group of Anglican friends who invited me (with an offer I couldn’t possibly refuse) into their post-initial-training Cell Group, and the broad range of fellow Methodists, and fellow travellers, that I studied alongside at Wesley House, Cambridge. Beyond people, I really do tend to find my stimulation within the cultural idioms of music and movies. I have an incredibly eclectic taste in both, partly because I’m not listening or watching simply for something I like but something that speaks to me in some way, so I listen to everything from Bach to the Beastie Boys, from Abba to Zappa, from GoGo Penguin to Led Zeppelin. Likewise my movie range, as a former Film Studies student, is pretty vast – my list of favourites ranges from the story that asks questions about storytelling that is The Usual Suspects to the utterly kitsch yet to my eyes adorably nostalgic Ghost!

 They say everyone has one sermon preached in many different ways – in less than eight words, what is yours?

Gosh, (hmm, yes, I may listen to Metallica and NWA but I’m still that kind of white, middle-class, educated kid that says “Gosh” sometimes) one of the reasons I use the lectionary as much as possible is to deliberately avoid doing this! I guess if I had to summarise I think I’d say “God is love and love is a verb.” (Erm, that’s bang on eight words, is that allowable?)

 You have ten seconds to tell someone about Jesus Christ, what do you say?

“Let’s go get a coffee (or other beverage of your choice), this could take a while!” Seriously though, I’m the kind of person who likes complex and queries simplification. In one of my favourite tv shows, The West Wing, there’s an episode where the President is preparing for an election debate and his staff are working on “Ten Word Answers” – distilling policy into sound-bites. They’re particularly stuck on one for economic policy. In the debate his opponent comes out with a very concise Ten Word Answer on the economy. The President congratulates his opponent and then says he’ll drop out the race right there and then if the challenger can give him “the next ten words”. Of course, he can’t, because government policy is not really so simple that it can be summed up in sound-bites. Neither can faith, and nor can the Son of God, fully human yet fully divine, who for our sakes was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, crucified under Pontius Pilate, died, was buried, and rose again, ascended, and will come again as judge of the living and the dead in a Kingdom without end. So, as I say, “Let’s go get a coffee, this could take a while!”

 There are many issues facing the Church today, what do you think the main challenge for the Church in this age is?

Unity in diversity. The history of the Church to this point has been one of disunity in the face of diversity: Coptic, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Calvinist, Zwinglian, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, etc, etc, etc. The many issues you speak of all result in a diversity of views, and the individualism of today’s (Western) culture means that there is a paradoxical environment where people both insist on their right to any view while insisting on dismissing people who hold opposing views. I think, therefore, that one of the biggest challenges for the Church is to model our One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic nature in a way that shows that having a diversity of views, experiences, gifts and styles is not a reason for being in opposition to one another. Given my joy at being at a friend’s ordination last week and my sorrow at not being able to join in with the laying on of hands because I wasn’t of the right denomination, I still think we have a way to go on this!

 How do you feel at this very moment?

A risky and/or complex question to ask someone who suffers from depression! Right now I feel pretty good, and in the wake of recent changes to my context, excited about future possibilities here in Cornwall. I’m also rather joyful at having played a small part in getting an important letter to the House of Bishops (regarding support for any bishop that may choose to publicly acknowledge their homosexuality) out there and signed by folk of numerous denominations. That said, I’m also feeling tired, but that’s not unusual in someone who has lost their day-off lie-ins to the reality of having a new puppy to walk every morning!

 What is the most testing thing about what you do?

Hmm, I’m not sure I could say publicly, lol! Actually, for me, I find the most testing thing the freedom of being in control of my own diary. If we all tend toward one weakness more than others then mine is certainly laziness, and this role can be as prone to that as it is to encouraging people to do far too much. I think I manage to avoid falling into laziness too often – my wife would certainly say I work a reasonable amount – but the freedom certainly tests me!

 What is the most enjoyable thing about what you do?

Presiding at the sacraments. The very first moment I ever presided at the Table for a Eucharist I knew that whatever problems I faced this was my true calling. That feeling has never left me since.

 What would you say to anyone considering responding to God’s call as a Presbyter/Deacon/Religious?

Speak to as many people as possible: friends, family, strangers, pastors, those of faith and those of none. Explore what following such a call actually involves. If possible take time to walk alongside a variety of ordained ministers and/or religious in a variety of contexts (social media makes this more possible than ever without actually needing to physically be there). Most importantly, be open to the idea that you may be hearing things wrong – one of the most powerful testimonies I ever heard was from a Local Preacher who had candidated for ordained ministry, had been turned down and who had gone on to have the most amazing influence on people’s lives by becoming a head teacher – but at the same time be willing to challenge the answer No if you’re convinced it’s the Church and not you that has misheard!

 When you get to heaven who do you want to see first and what’s the first thing you want to say?

Avoiding returning to the complexities issue above and assuming such a picture of heaven works for me (!), and ignoring all the obvious Saints, I think I’d pick Herbert McCabe OP, because of all the people who’ve had a significantly notable impact on my faith and my role as a Presbyter he’s the only I’ve not ever had the opportunity to meet in this life as he’d died before I read his works. I’d simply want to say “Thank you!” and “Where can we can get a decent pint around here?” – because I suspect if anyone would know it would be Fr Herbert!

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Purple Prays

An Advent Grace

Loving God,
as we look forward to celebrating
your having come to us in Christ
and remember what is to come
in his returning to us,
may we know his kingdom among us
in our sharing of food and fellowship,
and may we never forget
those who long for the kingdom
in their lives
who this day will have no food,
no fellowship,
and no knowledge of your love;
and this we ask
in the name of him
who came as a baby
and will come in glory,
the Light of the world,
Jesus Christ.

A Fiery Invocation

Come, Lord Jesus,
come as a warming fire
to melt our frozen hearts,
come as a refining fire
to cleanse our impure hearts,
come as a consuming fire
to burn away the detritus of our hearts.
This day, and every day,
as fire in our hearts,
come, Lord Jesus.

Both prayers © 2014 Thomas J. Osborne

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God is in this place

Wow, so, it’s aaaaaaages since I last blogged! So much has been going on since then, including the amazing experience of ordination, the challenging experience of bringing a Border Collie puppy into the Nomad family, and the exciting experience of being joined by a new Superintendent and together developing a new two-person ministry team in Saltash Circuit. However, I’m not going to blog about those things right now (I really do hope to come back to them sooner rather than later!), but rather I want to blog about the worship I led on Sunday evening, which a couple of folk not there have asked about. One of the things my new Super and I promised each other when we met up over a drink in an Exeter pub a few months ago (appropriately enough the pub has a pulpit in it!) was that we would challenge each other to be creative in the worship we lead. So on Sunday, knowing he and/or his wife might be in the congregation (they both were), I took that challenge head on.

(NB – I’ve used Spotify embed codes to put music in this post. I’m not sure if it’s workable for everyone. Please do feed back to me whether you have problems accessing the music or not – I know the videos work!) Continue reading

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Unforgettable Fire

So, in a week and a half I will be heading off on retreat, and in 17 days I will be Received into Full Connexion and Ordained (Conference willing, as always in Methodism!) along with a number of friends and colleagues. Many of my fellow ordinands have been commenting recently about the joy of their testimony services and the amazing send off it has given them as they prepare for ordination. My testimony service was a while ago now, as in Cornwall it was done as part of District Synod. Yet I too have been buzzing with excitement and joy after a service I felt to be a very powerful precursor to the experience of ordination. Continue reading

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Methodical Reasoning

The following post first appeared in the Methodist Recorder on 24th April 2014, as part of their “Methodism’s for Me” series. My thanks to them both for commissioning the article in the first place and then reckoning it was good enough to publish.

As a probationer in the Methodist Church going forward for ordination this summer I’ve had to reflect deeply on why I am happy to call myself Methodist. This is especially the case when you consider I grew up in a different tradition to Methodism. I’m what you might call an “accidental Methodist” – I ended up worshipping in a Methodist Church through circumstance rather than deliberate choice. Yet it is in this church that God called me as a presbyter, and so I have spent time working out why it is I’m happy to follow this call in this denomination rather than any other. My answer can be broken down into two key areas: Continue reading

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